Alice Day ClarkWINSTON-SALEM, N.C. (March 21, 2021)—Read Write Spell has named Alice Day Clark Assistant Director.  A not-for-profit organization based in Winston-Salem, Read Write Spell leverages the power of community volunteers to provide free, long-term, one-to-one reading instruction to Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools students who struggle with literacy skills.

Alice Day Clark has been a leader, teacher, and coach in the elementary school space since 2012. She has served as an elementary school teacher in Charlotte, New York City, and Winston-Salem. In Winston-Salem, she worked at Cook Literacy Model School as a Multi-Classroom Leader and teacher from 2017 to 2021. Most recently she worked with WS/FCS on the “All in for 90 by 2025” initiative.

A native of Winston-Salem, NC, Clark received her BA in Elementary Education from UNC-Chapel Hill and her master’s degree in Curriculum and Teaching from Columbia University’s Teachers College in the Literacy Specialist program. While at Teachers College she served as a Staff Developer, leading professional development for literacy coaches, administrators, and teachers. She is married and has a one-year-old son.